God’s will

What is God’s will for my life?

Orginally posted 3/12/2005 on bibleforums.org:

It’s not uncommon to misunderstand God’s will, or to make God’s will more encompassing than it really is. Some people put their life on hold, trying to figure out “what’s God’s will for my life?” God’s will for all of us is made very clear in the Bible. Sure, there will be specific ways in which God wants to use our individual lives, but it’s not our job to figure out God’s customized individual plan for the next 30 years of our life.

People debate God’s sovereignty vs. the free will of man when it comes to salvation, and I place the primary importance on God’s sovereignty. But when it comes to living life–deciding where to go to school, what job to take, who to marry, where to live, etc., I don’t think God has one preordained path for us that we will miss out on if we make the wrong choice. We need to evaluate our choices using the wisdom and understanding God has given us, based on the principles laid out in the Bible. “God’s will” is the choice that best mirrors the lifestyle described in the Bible. Beyond that, we’re free to exercise our own will, and God will work out the details.

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